Thursday, September 26, 2013

the new isa

PCA the bad eye
The nation doesn't need it
The draconian amendments
In the name of crimes

It is shoring up the inadequacies
The police in handling crimes
Detention without trial for 2 years
Without judiciary review

The return of ISA
This is the way the ruling elites wanted
To control the rule of divide and rule
They don't want to lose power

The ruling elites do not want dissent
They will catch any opposition members to jail
Without trial in jail for 2 years...
The songs of a Pied Piper

Even trampled on the national flag
A sentence of 15 years in prison
This is too much to fattened up the PCA
What happen if the flag falls you step on it?

The ruling elites are running scared
The way the country is moving forward
With so many laws for the police to use
They scream it isn't enough to fight crimes!

Where to O Malaysia?!
You don't have capable leaders to rule
The minority government wants to muscle in
Treating the majority as fools...

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