Wednesday, November 05, 2014

the dark castle

The castle in the dark
The shadows can't be seen
Moving about in silence
The hidden desires in the minds

Outside the strong wind howling
Catching the walls and window panes
Crushing it with loud thuds
Swinging the doors at will

The thundering fall
Of broken shades of glass
Rolling a few pieces
The shadows just look and walk away

The howling wind
The leaves begin to fall
Waving reluctantly
It never agree to call

The black dogs growling
The shadows get a surprise
They stop and watch
The black dogs staring

What are these dogs doing here?
I thought they have been bagged in
This has derailed our progress
The dogs will wake up the dead!”

The dogs will be neutralized
Give them some meat
Once they eat it
They will go to sleep”

The castle speaks
Who's there in my domain?”
The shadows move away
As the bright beam torching through

The shadows quickly run
Back to the tunnel they came
I told you the dogs
The dead has awaken!”

The shadows climb out
The castle stays quiet
The wind keep howling

In the dark night of rough weather

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