Wednesday, September 30, 2015

who want slow internet?

Who want slow internet speed?
Nobody in the right frame of mind
Here we have a minister
Dishing out irrelevant answer

How many millions curse?
Every time the internet service is slow?
Even you pay for a higher speed
You will get half of it

It is a monopoly market
The GLC controls it
As it is saying 'take it or leave it”
It's time the minister wakes up

Sleeping in the land of the wind
He should have listened to the sound
Traveling so fast he can feel the speed
Internet speed should be like the wind

Quiet, fast and efficient
Sometimes rock the houses
That's should be the internet speed
Nobody will pay for slow internet

We can't be a developed nation
By the time the year arrives 2020
Even with our broad band speed
We haven't caught up with our neighbours

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