Sunday, October 04, 2015

a leader should know his stay

A leader should know his stay
When the time comes he has to go
He can't use other means to stay on top
He will bring the mind chaos in the nation

When the unethical methods are used
There lies the shaky ground of power abuse
There lies the greedy mind to stay on
When he has to go of time changes

Power is just a short duration
It never meants to stay forever
When a person has arrived
The top of the world feeling

He must also know
The welcoming scene may change
When ill-gotten wealth and unethical methods use
The people will revolt to change the leader

A leader shouldn't play
The race and religion card
It tells us the shallow mind
He isn't fit to run the nation

A leader who is tainted
The reasons he can't explain
He stays on his elegant silence
This leader mustn't allowed to stay on

The nation bleeds
The people will suffer
We will lose our faces
Our respect in the bad

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