Saturday, October 15, 2016

desperation doesn't say it's the end

A desperation doesn't say it's the end
Everything and soul you have will be gone
It is just a need to refocus of reality
What will be needed to get it moving again?

Inaction will not bring a good value
It will make the situation deteriorate
It is action to get into the habit of change
Rearrange life values and restarts living again

Sometimes it involves money
The financial blue hammering into the mind
When everything seems to get away
Even life seems to be dropping into the pit

Sometimes it is in bad situation
Where help seems impossible to get
Hanging there hoping everything will be fine
But in the mind desperation screaming die

Don't let desperation take control
Don't let the mind fall victim to it
It will be a long way down the pit
Recovery will be slow sometimes painful

A desperation needs focus
Do the little you are able to do
It should bring back the confidence
With positive values everything will be fine

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