Sunday, October 16, 2016

we mustn't forget where we were once

Money makes the move
There is the good; there is the bad
How we dream of it in our hands?
Once we make the wrong choice
The road of falling debris hitting our heads
We may cry; we may run
The wrong choice in selection
It will hurt us like hell

Even on the right choice
We mustn't forget the hidden temptation
Money will still try to cloud our minds
It is always there to get us to its bosom
Singing us the lies and good virtues
Once we forget we will fall into pieces

Many have become victims
Once they were poor living in crumbs
When they get into wealth
They forget how they were once
They forgot once they lived in misery
Now they don't see the lowest
They feel it demeans their standing in society
They forget once they were at the rock bottom

When we are in a position of wealth
We mustn't forget where we were once
We shouldn't look down on the lowest of society
What goes up must come down to the ground
We can't take it with us where we are bound
It is only our good deeds that will count

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