Friday, October 07, 2016

where is the bright sunshine?

Where is the bright sunshine?
In our minds it seem to disappear
We wish we could get it back
We want the nation to progress

The bad in the corridor
It blocks the passages of progress
The bad only interested in taking
All the nation has to offer

We see our economy
It isn't a bright sunshine
The feeding of addiction
It has to stop right now

Where is the bright sunshine?
We pray we don't go to the dark
The bad leaders keep spreading lies
Right in their eyes they don't see the black

The dust of ashes rising
So many hanging around doing nothing
Watching the particles floating away
Leaving the darkness has its day

The contamination of the minds
The bad quickly settles in the block
Caressing its candy smiling faces glow
Let the bright sunshine go

We can't be sleeping
Dreaming of the good ways
It is time to take action
Let the bad fall into its dark pit

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