Friday, October 21, 2016

who's confuse?

Who's confuse?
Years of learning
It comes to nought
A few Talibans
They want to make
With words they are afraid
These groups get swayed easily

If these groups don't understand English
They shouldn't be working spreading falsehood
They should go back to brush on their English
For they are easily confused!
Hot Dogs, Root beers, beef bacon, Turkey bacon
These are the words used to describe food
It is not used to offend a religious faith
The products aren't made from pork

The little Talibans trying to confuse
The Islamic faith of many
Using a falsehood to achieve an aim
Telling lies is contrary to a faith
If they are confused go back to learn English
Don't push it down to other educated persons

The lake of fire is waiting
The bubbling heat of water high
Telling the people don't tell lies
If you are confused go and learn it well
Don't live in a coconut shell
Believing outsiders shouldn't come to help

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