Sunday, May 12, 2019

addicts should breakaway from the chains

Addicts can’t be stopped
They’re too far in the loop
They have to wake up to realize
What their lives will be

Living on handouts
Living in cash is king
They will fall deeply
Into the dark hollowness

Addicts will shout and misbehave
When the sources are stopped
They will have nothing to show
They may turn amok in their minds

The addicts should turn around
Kick the habits kick the pushers
They must learn to stand on their own
Free themselves of the bad habits

Don’t fall for the 3R trap
There is no need to shout and carry placards
It has been written in black and white
It is legally binding in Federal Constitution!

The followers of the opposition
They should wake up and don’t fall for the ill-intentions
They will fall for their own addiction
And they will forever be living in their own chains

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