Thursday, May 23, 2019

PH leaders have to change tactics

PH leaders must be bold
Don’t put many changes on hold
By the time you wake up you will be old
You will be kicked out from your rice bowl

PH leaders must realize
A year passed many changes still undone
They can’t be playing chess game
Unless they want to be check-mate

PH leaders can’t run the 400m
They find they don’t have the stamina
The speed of reforms still in progress
They think they have time to do

Now they have to change tactics
They have to run 10,000m
Slow but steady run
Maybe they can find their strikes

A year ago, on the driving seat
PH leaders must have learned some ways
Know the ways of the little demons
Know the way to compromise on certain levels

But they must not allow addiction
This disease must be stopped quickly
Into one of these areas, PH leaders fail
They must be bold to change it

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