Sunday, May 12, 2019

don't forget your root

I use to say
“Don’t forget your root
It will help you stay grounded”
In the years playing on the economic fields

Not many will remember
They will try to hide where they came
Some don’t want to say at all
They feel so ashamed to disclose it

Some will go back to touch root
The place where they were raised
These are the people who will help
The needy people they come across

They will know how the feeling is
They were there before struggling to live
How life was so difficult to earn a living
The obstacles they face to make end meets

So, I remember the old house
It stays to remind the time I had
Those were the times struggling to meet
The ever- competitive environment I face

Do not forget your root
It helps you to stay grounded
Wherever you may have house yourself
It is good to touch the memories

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