Wednesday, May 22, 2019

the sting of the innocent creatures or insects

The innocent insects
The innocent sea creatures
The big or small or tiny
Once it bites

We don’t really know
We will think it is normal
We don’t seek medical advice
We seek medicine from the pharmacy

But the bites turn bad
We can’t understand why
Even doctors are puzzled
We will suffer in pain

The innocent insects
The innocent sea creatures
We don’t really understand them
The ordinary folks walking on the beaches or gardens

Once I had a friend
He got insect bite in his garden
He didn’t think much about it
Eventually he got worst

His family sent him to specialist hospital
The doctor couldn’t find ways treat him
Though he explained what type of insect bit him
But his condition turned worst and he died

This is the scene
We don’t think much about it
Many people still swim in the open beaches
They don’t see any danger in it

Though drowning does happen
Bitten by jellyfishes happen too
But causing severe condition is rare
But we shouldn’t ignore the poisonous tiny darts

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