Monday, June 03, 2019

doing the good deeds

Doing the good deeds
It doesn’t need us to be rich
It only requires us to be helpful
In every possible way in our lives

Along the way of our lives
We can contribute our times
We don’t have to wait to be rich
It’s the everyday thing

Of course, when we strike rich
Of course, when we make the list
We are reminded not to forget
Who will make our dreams come true?

We may think we make it from our efforts
We work hard in every waking hour
We use our minds and energy to make the grade
But we know who will grant us the wish to be there

Once we forget our roots as what we were before
The wealth we make will have no significance
Once we leave this material world, we can’t bring anything
We were born naked and so we returned empty handed

Doing good deeds
The credits will be in our names
Once the roll calls are done
It is this which we will help us through

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