Monday, June 03, 2019

the smokers don't stop

The smokers don’t stop
Now they say they have the grace period
They will smoke as they like
The MOH officials are nowhere to be found

The MOH minister must look into the enforcement
He should rope in the police and local councils
Otherwise the towns and villages will smoke boom
The signboards will not make a ruling

The 3 meter ruling is a joke
The smokers just sit outside near the road
There they will puff away in good spirit
Who will enforce the ruling?

Maybe time to make a bold ruling
Legislate a law to ban smoking
This is a bold move to help the smokers
Stop the supply chain them to jail

Smoking is a legal addiction
Besides causing health problems to the smokers
It causes a huge hospital bill to care for them
Is it worth to be nice to addicts?

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