Thursday, November 21, 2019

impatience will make many fall

One's ambition must know the rules
There are layers upon layers to climb
There isn't a short cut to be on top
It has to do with one's ability
character and contacts

The international balls carrier
It may help you to get near the door
Ultimately it is your skill to open it
Without patience nothing will happen

Impatience will make many fall
Into the deep hole forever complaining
The rules aren't fair to them
They don't ask why they fail

Nowadays it isn't about IQ and EQ
The current phrase is AQ and LQ
If a person wants to climb to the top
He better cultivates and learns quickly

Because automation will be the main stay
The Industrial Revolution in the modern era
Everything will sound technical and mechanical
This is why AQ and LQ will come to play

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