Thursday, November 14, 2019

the isis militants turn to the light

The Isis militants of Malaysia
They went to Syria in secret to fight a cause
A belief base on lies and falsehoods
They think they can go to heaven
They will be truthfully mistaken
In the lake of fire they will have to go
Bathe in it day and night
Until The Good Lord says otherwise

The authorities shouldn't entertain them
These militants can't be turned over
They will become the sleeping cells
They will wait for the orders to ring
Then they will activate their participation
The crime of murders in their belief

The Islamic militants view
They are the supremacy in their world
Like Germany in WW2 where Hitler believe
The Germans were the supreme race
History told us otherwise
A short reign a disaster in the end
Isis militants will face the same road
A demon can't stay for long

The Isis militants
Turn over to the light
The road you are going
It is Lucifer taking your souls
Don't fall for his lies and falsehoods
In the lake of fire you will cry in vain
For there are no good deeds to help you

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