Friday, November 15, 2019

the bush fires

The bush fires
It may look harmless
On a small scale in the forest
It may die off by itself

If the weather is dry
The bush fires may like
Once it is lighted up
Let there be no wind

Once the wind takes hold
The spreading of the bush fires
It will become mean and hungry
It will sweep the forest to dry

I had the experience
The secondary forest got fire
The bush fires spread
Quickly called the fire brigade

The officers told me
Don't worry
It will die quickly”
The grasses not dry

There was no wind
The bush fires eventually filtered out
But the area was burned
In time rain gave the forest green again

In NSW Australia
The bush fires are mean
The fires spread quickly
Claiming 4 lives burned 150 homes

So don't play with fire
We may never know the consequences
Once it spreads over easy targets
We will watch the ugly fires playing its witch craft

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