Sunday, April 19, 2020

covid19 changes it all

China experts arrive
To lend their expertise on Covid19
The nation should be happy
Now we have the experts on hand

Covid19 has spread round the world
We need more assistance to fight it
We can't depend on our present medical officials
They may not have the expert knowledge on corona virus

These Chinese experts have fought against the virus
The Sars in China those years ago which China battled it

Now we can look forward to the day
The Covid19 will be eradicated from our shore
There is always the high hope
The Covid19 can be exterminated on our shore

With the China experts on hand
MOH will move in better to stop Covid19
With it we hope to get out of MCO
And let us restart the economy again

Though changes will be many
The rules of engagement may change now
The days of easy flow of business
Covid19 changes it all

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