Tuesday, April 14, 2020

the lock down are we serious?

The lock-down
Are we serious?
To fight Covid19
There shouldn't be leeway

Giving economic activities to begin
It will cause the spread of Covid19
The many people who will travel to work
The symptoms may not appear initially

But when Covid19 appears in a person
The whole batch will be affected
Every one needs to quarantine
The loss of hours or days will begin

How serious the companies will adopt measures?
How are MOH going to check or investigate of rules broken?
This is Malaysia cleanliness isn't our top agenda
We can look at the public toilets

Covid19 mustn't have leeway
Once it finds its loopholes
It will catch and spread it whole
We can't let it take hold

The lock down
Let only the essential services operate
The economic activities must wait until MCO is lifted
Saving lives the priority; economy can wait

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