Sunday, April 26, 2020

playing games in the sheets

Playing games in the sheets
It always have all the benefits
The love, the closeness, the connections
Everything in one sweep everything will be fine

Yet there are many problems
Many people will face single or couple
As if there is always big secret by itself
Many books or articles have written on it

But are we wiser with the tips?
We aren't by the score of it
We still face problems in our games
Lucky for us we have coaches 

Giving us advice or tips of how to get well
Going underneath the sheets to paradise
At times the connection fails big time
The low down and worrying faces

It still does even today
Lasting longer is an issue
Stay hard too in the deep connection
It makes the men losing their flies

Every woman has different tastes
Talking dirty is no way to glow
Even the back door has a seal “Don't enter!”
Because religions come in to play

Between the sheets
It should be fun and glow
Yet there are still problems
When religion comes in to stay

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