Tuesday, April 28, 2020

the moves behind the scene

The shadows move
Quietly along the corridor
Under the watchful eyes
Of a leader who spins tales

The moves behind the scene
The people aren't watching full
They are quarantine at homes
Because of Covid 19

Only the NGOs watching it
They will make noises loudly
Of laws of unequal treatment
The old system seems to crawl in

The people aren't watching
They have economic issues in the minds
The worrying faces of prolong lock down
Will there be employment after MCO?

But the shadows aren't worried
They are paid to move around
Looking for kilos and monkeys
Increase the supporting bank

The leader of telling tales
Karma is watching his moves
The sins he has accumulated
He may have to pay back

The shadows move
Hunting for kilos and monkeys
Under Covid 19 people aren't watching
Only NGOs keeping logs of it

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