Tuesday, June 16, 2020

bring faith into life

It's sad to read

About old and young take own lives

When they face problems everyday

They should bring faith into their minds

Leaving this world too early

It doesn't solve their problems

It brings sorrow and pain

To the families and friends

Even in the other life

They have to sit and wait

The long queue under the spotlights

The words will come back to haunt them

The Book-keeper has no records

It will be a long spell out in the cold

Committing suicide isn't ending it all

There is still the price to pay

It is better to fight

Every inch of a life

It will help a person

Why living is so important

What are you going to say?

When the Book-keeper asks you a question

Where is your invoice?

You will look bewildered and cry

So suicide isn't the way

It never solves your problem

It makes it worst

You are a vagabond finding no place to stay

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