Friday, June 26, 2020

the politicians are chameleons

The Old Man makes his mistakes

He knows it when his enemies used on him

He falls to their tricks and becomes the victim

So he can't take it he wants to seek his revenge

The experiences of the past decades

It can't help you when you don't remember

The politicians are chameleons

They will change to suit their needs

The Old Man should have known

He forgets so he is dumped out of the stage

Now without his party since he was booted out

A hungry and hurt man will seek his way

The back stabbers are worried initially

They are afraid the Old Man will come

But with PKR singing one man's dream

The coup leaders can sleep easy now

PKR should wake up from slumber

Nobody is asking you to fall into the same hole

We are asking you to stay united for a common goal

Kick out the traitors and bring back the people's mandate

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