Wednesday, June 17, 2020

the pancreatic cancer

One lie to another

It has to stop somewhere

The traitors can't stop

The sins will sink them

The PR exercise to debunk

The pancreatic cancer can't be cured

With chemotherapy it can stop its spread

It probably can't cure

The chances of surviving is slim

It is about 2% a patient could make it

Even that he will not survive above 5 years

Why need to lie about a cancer conditioned?

Without treatment a patient can die within 4 months

With treatment a patient can survive to a year or less

Most of these patients will not live long over 5 years

A person with pancreatic cancer should know his fate

It is best a patient opt for baking soda

It will kill the cancer cells in no time

It doesn't cause a bomb but less than $6.00 a box

It can last a couple of months

One teaspoon and a cup of water

Twice a day drink it to fight cancer cells

It is one of God's ways to kill off bad diseases and viruses

But how many will believe in its cure?

One lie to another

A traitor will get his due justice

Learn to be true in life

Do the good deeds and be remembered well

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