Sunday, June 21, 2020

the jumping frogs

The jumping frogs

They don't feel neglected

Every day there will be a story

Of how a frog will change direction

The coup leaders can't stay

They know the score within

They need to bring the numbers

They go into the heat

They can't afford to lose

The game of numbers in the book

So the coup leaders will tempt with goodies

Praying many will become the jumping frogs

Now the wind is blowing to the East

The gathering storm hitting the frogs

Some have sent feelers to find

What it is for them?

The heat is rising

In a month the play will begin

Will there be a change?

Will there be a knock out?

We will have to wait

Let us see what the Old Man will play

The dice in his hand

In the month of July

And PKR?

Its leaders don't see

The shadows and the sea

They only see their own faces!

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