Tuesday, June 30, 2020

the child abuses

The child abuses

Behind close doors

Nobody seems to know

Until an incident happens

The child marriages

Every effort must use to stop it

It is a cover for the child abuses

By a certificate of marriage

The authority doesn't put on weight

If it involves a religion, the long process in the work

The abusers will go unpunished

The law stays quiet until a major incident happens

During my kampong years

We looked up to this religious guy

He would involve with all the religious activities

We thought he was a good man

Until one day his wife blew his cover

He raped his own 3 months child

We couldn't believe what he did

The police came and he was sent to jail

The monsters in human skins

We will never know until incidents happen

We can keep an open eye to watch it

The tell tale signs of a child abuses

Lately the coup leaders aren't talking

These leaders are quiet thinking of different thing

The monsters in human skins will go over-drive

The field is wide open to hide their bad dreams

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