Thursday, June 18, 2020

the throw away dogs

The throw away dogs

Why did the owners keep the first place?

Because puppies looked cute?

The children wanted as pets?

When the children got tired of it

The dogs are put on the street

Once the street had no stray dogs

Suddenly the dogs appeared

Today I saw a female dog

Sniffing around the neighbourhood

I didn't see this dog before

I believe somebody threw her away

The female dog would go

Finding a way to get to the homes

If she finds children or adults who are friendly

She would wag her tail hoping to get adopted

But the previous owner should put her in the market

In the neighbourhood she will not find sufficient food

If the dog is lucky she may food a woman who feeds stray dogs

She may have her meal for the day

If a person can't keep a dog long term

He better stays away from keeping dog

Don't adopt one when a person can't handle it

Let somebody who may want to keep

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