Wednesday, July 03, 2024

born as strays


Born as strays

The dogs and cats

Living their lives

No masters to yell

Out they go

Scavenging for food

On the road or garbage tongs

Even in food outlets or fish markets

They may try

With sad eyes waiting at tables

Hoping for meals to drop by

Even bones they will not cry

Born as strays

Living their lives

No masters to yell

They are on their free will

they are the rolling stones

The rolling stones

Men and women will go

Leaving behind their footprints

Wandering up to their desires

They may not stay long

They cultivate and mix around

Changing partners on short term relationships

The urge to move will transport them elsewhere

They are the rolling stones

Men and women will not lie

They don't want to establish firm relationships

They will move on like the whirring wind

They may leave behind footprints

Good or bad the tales will open pages

They are the rolling stones

A shout out in their lives

the talk of the town


The talk of the town

The costs of living high

The subsidies should be reviewed

As many feel the heat

They have to ask

What can they do for the country?

They can't milk the nation dry

With a huge debt of $1.5 trillion

They are the cry babies

They should grow up and listen

The time isn't waiting

They have to hit the road

Have backbones to stand

Swallow the bitter pill

Forget about subsidies

The nation needs us to support

The measures for survival

The majority race should realize

Spoon feeding has to stop

The nation needs to survive

No doubt costs of living

It will jump the chart

When subsidies are withdrawn

The funds will keep the nation alive

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

swallow the bitter pill to progress


The subsidies

Let it be gone

We should swallow

The bitter pill

The nation can't afford it

It makes no sense to keep paying

It will just cause bad the nation

As developments will be delayed

Of course many will shout

Even the opposition too

They are afraid to see

The nation will fall to her knees

We can't be living a failed state

We may hit with it if we don't swallow

The bitter pill coming our way

Cause by the previous prime ministers

stop playing divide and rule


The country will grow

The potential she has

If only the politicians

Stop playing divide and rule

The natural resources

The bountiful to grow

Yet she can't beat

The city state of the South

She can't beat

Even on the exchange rate

Who is at fault?

The past administrators

Now so much hope

On Renaissance man to deliver

He jumps on the wrong track

Shouting high for Hamas

It has nothing to do with us

We have our problems to solve

We don't need to add another

Hamas leaders don't learn so they should pay

Renaissance man

The spots still the same

Thought he learned his lessons

In power he sucks into its game

Nearly 2 years

He doesn't perform the changes

He does on the easy ones

Afraid to hit the hard choices

live the life


A Chinese badminton player

Collapse and die on court

Playing his match in Indonesia Open

He was 17 years old

He would physically fit

In his age he would be free

He himself knew it too

But his sudden death baffled his officials

This will tell us

Death can call at any time

Unfit or physically up to date

The strike nobody can predict

The widow-maker in our health

It will not show up at any time

It is a time bomb slowly ticking away

When it explodes it will be too late

Physically fit may not hold the answer

Lack of sleep and too many booze and smoke

It may cause the collapse of a life

So live the life as if it is the last

stop giving aids


Stop giving them

The ladders to climb

It will curtail their own designs

Of how to make it to the top

Many of this race

They can't think ahead

They always want

What is easy to have

The politicians afraid to lose

They will devise plans to stay

Giving out more handouts

It only addicts them for life

Like the drug addicts

Dreaming back in the alleyways

Thinking of all the neon lights

If only they stop receiving handouts

Stop giving them aids

It will only hinder their minds to progress

The politicians shouldn't play divide and rule

The nation will suffer instead

Monday, July 01, 2024

stop the quotas and restrictions


Renaissance man

He doesn't read criticisms

There shouldn't be any restrictions

On entry to race base universities

There shouldn't exit quotas or restrictions

Article 153 doesn't say as such to the citizens

It is the politicians making it up to score votes

Lift the barriers and open it to all citizens

The way he puts his words

He is saying only non-Malays scoring 10A can go

Otherwise these students scoring less will not?

He should make the similar condition for his race

The country will not progress

She will still lose her talented people to the South

Singapore will gladly accept them with scholarships and jobs

Renaissance man you don't have a backbone to stand upright

He can be the best

If only he doesn't try to please his race

The country progresses is for unity and a fair game

It shouldn't be lopsided to cater to a certain group

Renaissance man

No quotas or restrictions

How long your race need ladders of support?

It is more than 60 years and it has to stop

the empty promises


The empty promises

It will still give us the blues

Though we have to live with it

We are powerless to enforce our dues

We will carry on our lives

Waiting for the promises to be fulfilled

Sweating ourselves in our brains

Building up twisters in our minds

The empty promises

We hear it often by the politicians

The promises sounding good in our minds

When they are in office they will tend to forget

We don't see them often

They are paid to work

But they are no shows

It will give us the blues

The empty promises

Renaissance man a classic case

He hasn't made it through

Now he has the power and authority

We will carry on with our lives

Like it or not we should wait again

The long road for reforms we wish

We are powerless to enforce it

giving us smoke in our eyes


The politicians

Giving us smoke in our eyes

As if it is like magic in the air

Causing us to forget their bad habits

The crocodiles still harping

Vote for them the voters can go to heaven

Many of the same faith may fall for the ruse

They get smoke in their eyes

They should stay and think

The crocodiles can't give them the way

They want to fool them for their votes

By the time we are all expired our lives

The Rocket can't fly

Though they want us to believe they can

Now with fuel going high

We hear them staying cool and quiet

The wolves keep howling

Even without the full moon

They want to stay relevant

Afraid nobody will remember

The East politicians

They want their MA63 fulfilled

During those decades ago

They could be sleeping in well

The politicians

Playing smoke in our eyes

They will promise heaven

Only the drama of fools grab it

the midnight drive


The midnight drive

The cool night in the air

The speed of driving

A bit of normalcy flow

On the roads

Passing through inter-states

No worry about traffic jams

It is a smooth flow

It can cause sleepiness

Thinking no need to stay alert

Driving on the free flow of traffic

Only the street lights for company

In remote roads

The corners to pay attention

The sleeping cows will cause accidents

As the drivers may not see and act quickly

The midnight drive

It can break free

No jamming on the roads

It is an easy driving