Wednesday, July 31, 2024

the sins of the crocodiles


The crocodiles

Can't think straight

Coming out from the swamp

They can't even walk properly

Every sentence they shoot

It is always about 2R

In their minds they have nothing else

They can't live in paradise

It is only the drama of fools

They don't think straight in their heads

They want to dance in heaven

They forget to dance in paradise

A little power get in their heads

They become power crazy

The others they can forget

They think God will bless them

They should think twice

If they can't live in paradise

Don't dream of going to heaven

Lord Yahweh will put them in lake of fire

They have to live

Show respect to others and their faiths

Let God decide the final game

It isn't for the crocodiles to say this and that!

the race base parties


The race base parties

The writing on the wall

It will not survive

In time of General Elections

This is the 21st century

Something new must grow

Living in the past history

It will not be good vibrations

The 2R game must be in history

It will not be good to stay in 21st century

Allowances have been given

The sound of change must happen

The Islamic party must realize

Politics isn't for a religion

It is a private affair between God

It has nothing to do with politics

The race base parties

Better start changing

Else it will be irrelevant

Living in its past history

langkawi islands


Langkawi Islands

I lived for years

Soaked it up in my life

It was my best time

Living with you

Now a religious government

The leaders don't know about economy

They always think of heaven

They forget to live in paradise

Langkawi Islands

The bad vibrations sink into you

The tourists may not arrive at your door

You will lose your shine and smile

The islanders may cry

Feeling the heat of pain and misery

When businesses going down

Don't let the curse return

Langkawi Islands

The best years I stayed

Now I read about the wrong reasons

It saddens me you may lose your smile

Langkawi Islands

You gave me riches in experiences

The best years of my life

Living with you

we are told


We are told

Renaissance man will not change

The decades he showed us

He could change

The many bridges walked

The time of black eye

The time he stayed in jail

He could change

Instead when he has power

He can't remember his suffering years

He goes to show his true color

It's only on his race and religion

He publicly declared support for Hamas

A bad move but he likes his way

Hamas is a terrorist organization

Causing much pain and sorrow to Palestinians

Back home he forgets

The suffering the people face

The economy hasn't risen to the chart

The costs of living flying high

But what does he do?

He tries to sweet talk his way

Behind it is his 2R agenda rising

We are told don't put too much faith on him

Renaissance man

Listen to the ground and NGOs

Stop listening to your advisors

They aren't walking on the ground

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

wrong again


Wrong again

Break the chains

Let us be free

Living in this world

Don't make the wrong

The bad laws to chain us

We put you there

You don't even remember

Wrong again

Speaking sweet words

When you should do

Change it for the better

Listen to ground

The whirring of grouses

After midnight drowning in sorrow

What will tomorrow bring?

Wrong again

Break the chains

Don't pass bad laws

Let us be free

sweet talk


Sweet talk

It doesn't cut in politics

There is always the back door

Ringing out in the air

It will never smell good

It will bring the bad mood

Sweet talk

Give it to “After Midnight”

Renaissance man

And his team of UG ministers

Listen to the ground

Don't spoil our mood

The Rocket leaders

They don't speak loud now

They have become muted

Receiving too much fuel in power

They don't see

The promises unfulfilled

They should remind PH Chairman

More action talk less

Sweet talk

Only for “After Midnight”

Renaissance man

Get your promises light up

gerakan leaders


Gerakan leaders

Don't wait to ship out

They shouldn't stay

They should just leave

Getting the middle finger

The crocodiles wag with their tails

Telling Gerakan leaders

They shouldn't wait

The crocodiles are drown in power

They thought they could win big

Karma will have her say

Giving them a chance they forget

Gerakan leaders

Now pack and go

Show us they still have face value

Better join up with PSM and MUDA

The 3rd force

Hitting hard on race base parties

The new force may turn the tide

But Gerakan can't decide

she's gone


She's gone

A time I wasn't in the move

A woman I met on the hill

She came for holidays

From the land of kangaroos

We could click

Once we met

We went for jungle walks

And waterfalls

And food

The night counting stars

The tales of our times

We could be in tune

A woman pretty like the moon

The eyes sparkle whirring in my mind

She wanted me to follow her

While in Penang she telephoned me again

Yet I couldn't go

Afraid of the unknown

I wasn't prepared

She's gone

What it will be?

I will never know

Now she's just in my mind

A memory of shared exploits

renaissance man is afraid of change


The politicians

The sins they will have to face

There is no way they could escape

The way of life they have lived

The speeches and promises

Orally or in statement issue publicly

The honor has to carry it through

Most likely it will not take off

The draconian laws still standing

The government refuses to listen

Instead it wants to curfew criticisms

Leaving a bad taste in our lives

Renaissance man is going backwards

The promises of change will not happen

As he is afraid to face the truth

So media is cropped in

The politicians

The sins they will have to share

The earlier they do

The souls will be forgiven indeed

Monday, July 29, 2024

the 7 sins


The 7 sins

It isn't easy to run away

It will stay with us

Every moment everyday

Even if we pray

Our minds will go thinking

The 7 sins in our lives

Don't dream of heaven

Try to make it in paradise

This is what we would do

Learning and going into it

The bad before forgiveness

Though we want to make it

The 7 sins will stand in our way

We can pray hard to stay away

Don't dream of heaven try it in paradise

housing in penang island


Housing in Penang Island

The folks will find hard to own it

The prices of housing beyond their reach

It is the reality in every city

The rich can own many properties

They know they can fetch better prices

If they want to resell as property investment

It will beyond the ordinary wage earners

The state government should put a cap on it

Otherwise the houses on the island ordinary folks

They can wave goodbye to live on the island

Many have to shift to the mainland to stay

Certain goods can let market forces decide

Housing shouldn't be in the circle

The state government should control the pricing

Don't let the developers earn high profits

As it stands today

The ordinary folks in Penang Island

They can pack bags and move to the mainland

It will be a hustle traveling to work though

Gerakan should quit Pee Anne


Gerakan wakes up now

Don't be a fan boy to the crocodiles

They chase you out or spit on you

Yet you still hang around

Don't you have dignity?

Feeling no shame at all?

Still wanting to cling to Pee Anne?

When the crocodiles hit you hard by their tails

Gerakan should move out

No need to stay getting spit at

The crocodiles think they can rule

They will get a shock in the next round

No sane Muslim wants to live

Ruling by the religious elites

They know nothing about economy

They talk of heaven; forget to live in paradise

Gerakan should just quit

Show the crocodiles your displeasure

They don't want you so why stay on?

Go and join up with PSM and MUDA

Though you may not win any seat

But you have your dignity and saving grace

You don't have to listen to the bad echo

Let the crocodiles swing in their pond

what goes up will come down


GPS Sarawak

Won most seats last election

The leaders can talk cocky

But they should remember

What goes up will come down

The gravity will pull it

Without notice or demand

On the ground the cry of sadness

GPS Sarawak leaders

Show manners and respect

To those who are in unity with the party

Telling the others of insignificance

It will come a time

Maybe in the next state election

GPS will be brought down to its knees

Because the mighty can fall without notice

The Blue eye and Rocket

The leaders will pursue their aim

Getting the most seats to form a new direction

Sarawak needs it to stop the corruption and greed

As it happened to the wolves

Once a mighty giant now trying hard to rise

GPS Sarawak will get into that shape

On the top it has to come down to breathe

Sunday, July 28, 2024

the sun goes down


The sun goes down

Slowly disappears from the sky

Signaling the night will fall

A routine will never change

The night of lights

Bloom up on the darkness

The dark shadows will hide

Afraid to get caught

Of the laws

And people's eyes

Everyone will stay alert

When the night will ring

The night owls will take action

In the night to wake up for business

There is always a day to gain

When parties swing into action

On religion they will forget

It is the economy to live

Of a time of harsh reality

A time shouldn't go wasted

The night life of fun

The PUA artists and students will roam

Trying to practise what they have learned

Of the night full of bloom of lights

The sun goes down

The night comes alive

The homeless will try

Finding way to survive

the money tree can't stay still


The money tree

Grow it fast or slow?

All depends on us

How we manage ourselves

We can't blame others

When we don't make it

The money tree can't stay still

It needs to move to gain

It will be a heartache

When our games go wrong

We can live a pauper life

We will still blame others

The money tree

We must learn how to fish

We can't be living on our dreams

We can't be living on handouts

chinese schools


Chinese schools

Seeking funds

Somehow ringing it wrong

Since government barely supports it

Don't put restrictions

The government should be fair

Don't go playing double standards

Chinese schools will survive

Don't use religion

It will never be good

Of the sound bites ringing

Just to feel good for a race

Don't use young minds

Saying beer or tobacco companies

Will encourage the young to smoke

It is up to the parents and teachers

Look at Kelantan

Too many unwanted sex

Living in the way

Praying yet high hormones rule

Chines schools donations

The government should provide funding

Let the tax money distribute fairly

Don't put restriction by religion

the old generation


The old generation

Stay alert in your mind

Look for something to do

No matter how small it is

The mind needs to stay active

It gives the meaning of life

Telling you age isn't the cause

It is poor attitude of growing old

Do some easy stretching exercises

Walking is a better form to stay agility

Every morning do the stretching

Make the blood flow easy

Drink a lot of water

Honey, herbs in the kitchen, vegetables, fruits

Garlic, onion, turmeric with pepper

It makes life going in good shape

The old generation

Live in the life

Have positive values

Life is fun

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gaza war


Gaza war

Tens of thousands died

Many fled across the border

Properties destroyed land wasted

Blame it on Hamas

The leaders stayed away

Only the runners did the work

Causing pain and misery to Gaza

Israel has done her revenge

It is time to pull back

She has said her point

Now no need to pursue

ICJ condemned the attacks

Gaza laid to waste with tens of thousands died

Only Hamas leaders still hiding in nearby countries

Israel assassins should focus on these Hamas leaders

Enough of causing pain in Gaza

Israel should pull back her troops

Both side should see the result

Nobody gains in this conflict

deep in the hollow


Deep in the hollow

Don't let it sink further

Crawl out to see the light

It isn't too late to change direction

The deep hollow

Only one way down

Burying own folly

Greed and power game

The fissures crack

Smoke will hurt the eyes

The bad smell for the nose

The mind will scream to change

Deep in the hollow

The leaders should realize

It is a one way down to bad

It is better crawl out to soak in the sun

let the malays find how to fish in the seas


Somebody says

Don't spoon feed the Malays

Let them find how to fish in the seas

They will appreciate it in all honesty

Will Renaissance man do it?

He dares not spook his race

Afraid he will lose their support

He should study the elections result

He spent so much

Yet he didn't get his returns

His race laughed at him

They played their drama to fool him

Renaissance man shouldn't play his game

Let his race find their way to be successful

He doesn't need to give them a leg up

Let them compete to make them strong

As it is now he might lose it all

Even the non-Muslims may give him up

Is it the way he wanted it?

Focus on his race for support?

Renaissance man should focus on reforms

It is the way forward for him and nation

It is a secular nation and it should stay that way

Don't try to change the identity of the Constitution

Friday, July 26, 2024

the puppet man


The puppet man

On the strings all the time

He can't run away

Even if he tries

He has his life

Stringing up high

Every movement he can't deny

He's the puppet man

On stage he will look

Like a king or prince or journeyman

He can fill his heart contents

Living the puppet life

Nobody will feel sorry

If he is in the box or cage

Lying there dreaming

Wanting to be free

The puppet man

He has no way to escape

He can dream and hope

But his life is on the strings

the wolves should change


The wolves crying

There will be no sympathy

They had their chances

They didn't buy it in

Till today

Still harping on MO1

Nothing seems to move on

The man already in prison

The corruption in his life

The wolves should learn and move on

The top judges found him guilty

Let him stay in prison for good

The wolves should change

The way they conduct their affairs

The bullying tactics must stop

It will not get them votes

Forget about MO1

Clean up the bad elements

Take out a clean sheet

Start from the basic again

the Rocket leaders


The Rocket leaders

The fire in amber

The mode of slow

The cylinders stay low

Yet the wolves

Keep howling at it

The Rocket they see

Joining forces keeping a distance

The decades of past history

The leaders should move on

Together in unity government

But the wolves still can't take it

The wolves still harping on 2R

Nothing seems to change

Though the party lost badly

They don't see reality

The Rocket leaders

Don't stay behind the scene

Time to shout back

With cylinders blasting

thinking as one race


The leaders like Ku Li

Harping on 2R all the time

This is the reason

Why their race always afraid

Go out to mix and stay united

Learn how to stand on their own

Don't be afraid to compete

Forget about feeding spoons

It will not bring them high

As long as they still harp on 2R

The world is changing

So are the fate of leaders

They can't be spinning

All about race and religion

The economy will fall

They even don't know how to fix it

Still dreaming on spoon feeding

It is time to see

The grand picture

The nation needs

Every race thinking as one

Bring up the economy

Stay united to progress

Forget about 2R

It doesn't help the nation to grow

The leaders like Ku Li

Living in the old

Time they should bow out

Let the new leaders walk on stage

Thinking as one race