Sunday, October 08, 2006

Police force

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Police the streets.....this is what the police should do. Let only a skeleton staff manned the police station and the rest on the streets -CID, traffic, crime prevention, etc. Of police report let the civilians in the department multi-tasks their work. In this way, crimes of many faces can be controlled effectively. The police force is in the 21st century where modern gadgets can easily assist them to combat the various crimes committed in the country. Currrently the police is assisted by Rakan Cop programme and Rela to combat crimes in the neighborhood. It is a right direction. The force can't keep increasing police personnel to satisfy the egoistic charting person(s). The span of control will be less effective. Here lies the root of the problem. No effective supervision therefore corruption bounds to rear its ugly head. Believe me you watch how it works. Police put up roadblocks at dark places or coffee or cafe outlets for under the table talk. Honestly nobody wants to be charged or go to jail. Of course serious crimes will be prosecuted till conviction; it is the small crimes that hog the eyes. (No seat belt, crash helmet, expire disc, no licence, talking on cell phone or beat traffic lights) Pay too must be increase to give the job a nice touch. The government has no intention to increase pay so I suggest put them under Socso which will aptly protect them.Qualifications without knowledge won't work. Skills without PR will erode the confidence of the public to the force. Projection of image without solid marketing skills it fails too. The police should think like a business unit. Mission, objectives, budget, actions and follow ups. In this way the top brass will know how to move the police to its highest degree all the times everyday.

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