Monday, October 09, 2006

UMNO says Asli report isnt true

As usual UMNO says the Asli report isnt true. The government statistics is correct that the bumiputra equity share stood at 18.9% of its target of 30%. If the UMNO wants to debunk it, show the people its statistics and dont just quote figures without supporting datas to back it up. Currently, it is said that the Asli report has a hidden agenda which I always view what UMNO will say. The simple truth is they wanted it to be there forever as a winning baton to win elections every time. Tan Sri Khalid said it would be the downfall of the Malays if every Malay is spoonfed by the government through policies benefitting them. LKY knew what is happening in the country. Outsider looking in will have a better grasp of scenes than we staying in. The government never goes out to help the poor. All the red tapes involved to get financial aids. But the government is quick to monopolise resources to help countries in need say Indonesia but drags its feet when dealing with its own people. A few weeks ago I read about a social welfare department has no money to dispense to the poor. I don't know what the officers in the department doing......I think they are sleeping on their jobs....the poor people have to suffer on their account and they had to talk to the press to highlight their woes. It is ridiculous that the government agency has no money while the IRB says it can collect about $60 billion in taxes from the companies and tax payers. Why must the Malays need the 30%? Why must they need 5-7% discount on properties? If they think they can't afford, they are other races too who face the same problems. If they can't build their wealth through sweat and tears, they arent good to face the challenges of the globalized world. The government(reads UMNO) will fail in its duty to honey oiled the road of richness. During my kampung days, the older Malays always advice that wealth should come through hardworking with our hands and brains no short cut to richness. Like the saying "easy come easy goes" In Islam it never teaches to discount a faith. It teaches one to say the truth and do the honest way. When you are poor, you dont steal or rob or lie. You ask for help....

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