Tuesday, April 15, 2008

the sins of the fathers

The St Nicholas church in the Malá Strana ("Little Quarter")
district (featured heavily in the film Amadeus as a stand-in for 18th century Vienna) i

The sins of the fathers
The children pay
In life through history
It’s hard to get away

Every move every action
There is the exchange
Of what might be; what should be
The fathers and sons legacy
On the print medias and people’s history

The fall out and inadequacy
Highlighted spots comparison roles
The sins of the fathers
The children can’t escape

Even in quiet solitude
Away from the public scrutiny
Yet the sins of the fathers
It will haunt the children
When they want to take the mantle
To be on their own challenging history

It is hard to get away
The sins of the fathers
Leaving behind their legacies
For the children to understand
What they have to get it done

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