Sunday, April 20, 2008

when you age and out of job

When you age and out of job
It isn’t easy to find another
When you try and try to land one
It has become an elusive dream

I read reports
The headaches these people go through
When company closes down
When relocation start to drive
The bread earners facing a solemn calamity
Food and bills to pay

When saving drying up
When outlook seems bleak
The finding of another job
It will be hard as economy takes a drive

Will there be something around?
The young and old capturing in a pool
The ways forward suddenly stops
Degrees and experiences
It doesn’t count as much as the economy turns

I feel for these people
The light ahead will be hard to fight
Every day the nightmare comes true
When one wakes up there is nothing to do

So the government must create opportunities
Not every body has the skills to start a business
Not every body has the stamina to last the distance
This is why a government job is to build wealth
Where the people can work and earn from it

Social welfare must be seriously considered
Build up a fund to help those in need
Tax those who are working now
A dollar a month; just imagine the fund!
With proper management and skills in investments
Those out of work and old folks will be feeling proud
Something to look forward when the days are down

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