Thursday, April 17, 2008

yo pakatan rakyat!

The sleeping beauty
The sun and moon he won’t see
He walks with his eyes close
He doesn’t know what to do

His advisors telling him
So many things he forgets
In his mind he thinks it is easy
Seeing the billions
On his corridors thing

Now the ground he works
The potholes have known
Yet he pretends he doesn’t know
He lets others keep harping
Until they get tired of his inaction

He has no choice
One day he said after him would be Najib
To run the show in the country
As if it is his right to say so
It is the people who would decide

Now the people watch
Pakatan Rakyat moving in for the kill?
BN/UMNO will be buried in the potholes
It is time we say goodbye

Enough of the arrogance
Enough of the deception
Enough of the corruption
BN/UMNO still never learn

Yo Pakatan Rakyat!
When will be the day the frogs hopping in?
A new day must come to Malaysia
A new team to steer the country’s affairs

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