Tuesday, July 14, 2009

never ending haze

Got Haze? by spoonfork
Got Haze? by spoonfork

The haze it never ends
This year it comes so early
The dusty smell and health hazards
It visits the country every year

Now Bee Anne blames
The wind for causing the haze
Blowing here from Indonesia
What else are new brewing from the back doors?

Indonesia will sip coffee or tea
Promising many nothing comes out of it
The companies and plantation owners
Thinking of profits who cares about environment?

After Indonesia general election
Maybe there will be a serious discussion
New players old rules static
Pour coffee or tea shake hands and forget

The wasted times and illogical statements
It has been going on for over a decade
Yet nothing has come out of it
Only meetings and promises to correct
In the end it is status quo
“You do your thing I do my way”

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