Friday, July 02, 2010

the lost way 5

P1010048.jpg China Town image by JoeSatrini

China Town

In the house of darkness
The fear they feel within
The eyes of many they see
Winking white irises

The drivers stay together
They wish they know
The darkness closing in
As they let fear take hold

The drivers pray
In all their lives they forget
Now in the fear kingdom
They kneel praying for their lives

The guy with the torchlight
Flashing to find a way
When he finds a door knob
He crawls silently there

With hope rising high
He turns the door knob it clicks
“Guys come here quick
There is a way out from here”

When he pushes it opens
The glare of China town back lane
The drivers all run into it
The open street of small trading

Row of shop houses
Displaying all kinds of goods
Along the back street doing roaring businesses
The drivers mix and smell

Sitting in a coffee shop
Ordering drinks and snacks
“Do you know where we are?”
“We have no clue at all!”

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