Sunday, October 31, 2010

they forget to read history

The conspiracy
Just to bring down a man
When he is put in jail
The conspirators hope to win big

They forget to read history
You can win through cheating
Buying royalty and obligations
It's just a short lived euphoria

The scriptures advice speak the truth
With words and deeds to fellow human beings
One shouldn't hide behind curtains.........
Telling no truth but lies to seek the truth

You can win for a while
When the road to democracy
When the road to seek justice
You will fall on the street

The check-board of conspirators
The moving guards to safeguard personal interests
The covering up and entering through back-door
When the king is checkmate you know you will fall

Now the game is playing
In open court the sinking hole feeling
Rule of law out through the window
All because to put a man in jail

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