Saturday, October 30, 2010

what is she promoting?

What is she promoting?
Bringing tourists to the country?

There are other travel agencies
There are foreign travel consultants

These people promote the country
On their own money and time....

What is she promoting?
Bringing tourists to the country?

She is enjoying her free travels
Using our money draining our resources

Back home our people suffer
Nobody pays a second look

Money should spend on our people
Let them have homes and decent living

In the world of world wide web
In the technology of video conferencing

in the offices established around the globe
Let these officers work for their money

Back home we feel the pinch
Of notice of economic bubbles

What is she promoting?
It is still cheap considering space travel

Promote internal tourism
Let the money recycle back to the people

Let the economy has a heart
For the people in the industry

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