Wednesday, October 20, 2010

trust where did it disappeared?

niem tin nxc


niem tin nxc


Police on the easy way out
The way they face the robbers
Only their version not the dead
Wanted criminals why the crimes?

They can't allegedly write proper report
It is best they gone with the easy sparks
One bullet, two bullets or 3 bullets
Then this mantra 'armed robbers running towards them”

The first duty of the law enforcement
Save lives find the truth about crimes
It isn't killing spree with legal rights
There are lives aim to mobilize them

I once stayed in a flat
Where once police party shot dead 6 criminals
I didn't know about it though I saw the dented marks
Later the owner told me about the incident

Did the 6 fight back?
When the grilled and wooden doors silently cut
Hailed of bullets pumped in....
The 6 died in their rooms

I heard that version
From the locals staying in the flat
The parents came to offer rituals
Forgot I was staying inside

Some may say
The killers ought to be punished
In proper court of law
Then it is only right

Can we trust our law agencies?
Can we trust our judiciary?
It is blowing with the wind
The disgrace ink into our minds

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