Sunday, October 07, 2012

the game of pushing

The black macc dog
The tall tree bids welcome
The dog sits down licking its ears
Itching to get into action

The shadow descends from the sky
The black macc dog stares
The eyes glow imagining all sort of things
A black cat runs into the shade

What are you doing here?
I have my snooze you disturb me”
I have a case to report”
Now what case black cat?”

I saw a mouse
Carrying away a big cheese
In the house over there”
Don't you worry black cat”

The shadow lowers itself
The black macc dog licks it
Barking loudly eyes glowing
The black cat runs for its life

You are suppose to catch the rat
You don't have to ask me to do it
You are a lazy fat black cat
What have you been doing?”

The black cat runs back
The house seems quiet
The owners all gone for holidays
The black cat walks silently

The cheese has gone
No doubt about it
Climb up the table to look
There is nothing to see

In the distance the black macc dog
Barking under the big shadowy tree
I can't help you black cat
You have to catch it yourself”

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