Sunday, April 19, 2015

the arrows flying over his head

The dark knight on his castle
Standing high on top to see
The troops marching to break his door
As the black arrows string to the air

The stand off on the ground
The iron bridge never comes down
The shouting matches of the soldiers
With arrows, stones and rocks

The dark knight knows his time
The dawn of a new chapter has arrived
He finds he has no chance to escape
Where will he go if he manages to run away?

He has to many baggage on him
It will drag him down in no time
So he has to stay and fight
Knowing the game will be over soon

The dark knight can't manage
The years he has been tutored
He hardly learned to fight
Now the arrows flying over his head..

Damn!” he shouted
A soldier pulls him away
Don't be stubborn Sir
We are fighting a losing battle!”

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