Saturday, April 18, 2015

we are the hosts of our souls

We are the hosts of our souls
We feed them to live for the duration
While they are there to help us grow
Learning and experimenting in our lives
When the time comes for them to go
The souls will leave the hosts
There we will become the empty shells
In no time our bodies will decay and die

We may think we have a place to go
It is our souls who will travel far ahead
Carrying with them our deeds of good and bad
What will happen we will never get to know
Our bodies become ashes
Leaving its mark on the ground
Return to the cycle for another to grow

Some will say and believe
Our souls will go to heaven or hell
We will never know
Nobody has returned to make the tale
We are as dead as the ashes
For we are the hosts to our souls
We will become nothing
When our part have been fulfilled

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