Monday, December 14, 2015

the liar will fall from grace

There is a reason
The liar will fall from grace
He has been given chances to explain
To come clean for his soul

He refuses to do
He thinks he can't fall
With his status in life
He can lie it away

God always says
He will give us chances to come clean
Clear our sins in our closets
It is better this way

We don't need the materialism in our world
Where we are going it has no value at all
It is our deeds and honesty and humblest way
These qualities will bring us near to heaven's gate

But do we listen?
Do the liars hear it?
Don't get blinded by power and greed
It will make us suffer in terrible sin

The liar we know
The road of redemption disappearing
He better thinks hard on it
No use praying if he doesn't change

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