Saturday, January 21, 2017

they don't ask the hard questions

They don't ask the hard questions
On the past and current scandals
How to progress when the past forget?
Or today's problems haven't solved yet?

The truth must prevail
Find the sources and the way
The Constitution amended hundreds of times
Leaving us in a divided time

Will greed and corruption run?
Will the unfair laws be repealed?
What amendments for the cyber law?
Caging the people once more?

The young adults think
The good living in their eyes
If they don't ask about history
If they don't ask honest questions

The transformations will not arrive
It will be a broken dream in a way
Dragging out the bad along the time
What's new after all?

Better engaged the private and public universities
Across the land of the nation and find out their views
It doesn't need to pick here and there
Ask the universities students

They will represent the crops
They will give a wider span of thoughts
They are the ones going to manage the nation
This is their hope and dreams

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