Thursday, July 18, 2019

no leader should show lack of patience

The impatience will bring
Nothing good in the end of things
No leader should show lack of patience
He will never bring out the best

The obsession on power
A leader will be brought down
There is no way to hold up a leader
Forgets to service the people and nation

PKR leaders better wake up
We don’t want to go your way
We expect changes but not bad tidings
It’s time its leaders show maturity

One leader says he has the numbers
He forgets it is the voters who play the chart
They can sack any leader who can’t perform
On the election day the voters will say

“You are out!”
The voters will not tolerate power hungry leaders
We will ship them out to the sea
The voters are the ones who will chart the fortunes of leaders

PKR leaders close rank now
Stay united and focus on the manifesto
Running each other down serves no purpose
It will become fodders for the opposition

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