Friday, July 12, 2019

the cub still wet behind his ears

The aged tiger
The young cub
Once they met
In Parliament lobby

The cub ran
The laughter and smile
The cub would know better
The aged tiger a cool bad cat

The bad ways to learn?
The cub didn’t know what to do
He stood and listened
The stories of the aged tiger

The cub wet behind his ears
In politics he hasn’t learned
He could smile say hello
He could then walk away

But he didn’t
He sat down on the same sofa
Bantering about events so far
The cub hasn’t learned in politics

The cub forgot
The age tiger has issues
Greed, corruption and misused of power
The cub should have walked away

He should have dry behind his ears
This will show the youth has matured
Playing the game of politics in full measure
He can say he has come of age but he hasn’t

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