Tuesday, July 23, 2019

the river

borrowed unsplash.com

The river meanders
Through the long stretch
Moving along with easy flow
Occasionally, traffic jams

Block by fallen trees
Debris of plastic wastes
It clogged up the easy flow
Until a heavy down pour

Along its way
The reflection of green leaves
The dancing shadows of trees
Swaying by the wind

At the shady big trees
Of rocks and silence
The cascading drop of water
The whispering of insects

It stays cool
Cover by the shady trees
The slithering creatures move along
Grateful of the green camouflage

But here is the thing
Man will come catch it and burn
Clearing it all for developments
Leaving the footprints of haze

The river is the balance from Nature
Don’t pollute or destroy it
Seeking progress mustn’t at odds
Sacrificing at our peril

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