Monday, August 19, 2019

the drug mules

The drug mules
Don’t feel sorry
They know what they do
Carrying dangerous drugs

I hope others will learn
There is no short-cut to riches
Learn the lessons well
When the law catches them

I know it is sad to read
The pitiful ways they are treated
Reminded me of how prisoners felt
During Second World War

Before they lose all appeals
Hanging by thick rope until death
Alone watching by prison officials and doctor
To certify death has achieved its objective

I don’t subscribe to capital punishment
I believe a person needs a second chance
Turn around his live to repent for his sins
Only God has the right to take lives

All prison cells must adequately provide
All prison officers must show compassion
But we all know these officials aren’t
They will blow away dignity and self- worth

The wrongs of the drug mules
But the drug lords always escape
The police never chase with follow up action
In the end the drugs menace still persist

The drug mules
They can feel their pain and sorrow
They can feel remorseful of their misdeeds
Only God will grant them forgiveness

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