Wednesday, August 07, 2019

the red flag

The red flag moves
Subtle in its way
The smaller party
It wants the giant share

The red flag should respect
The coalition partners in the group
Its leaders shouldn’t shout
It shows lack of respect

Because it has the Old Man
The red flag shouldn’t stand arrogant
The genes of Amno baru should be discarded
If red flag wants to see progressive nation

Learn our languages
Master English and Mandarin
These are the languages of commerce and economy
But khat is from Middle East countries

It will not progress the nation
It is a subtle process to turn it into Islamic country
Our nation is secular and should stay this way
But the red flag has Amno baru DNA hard to think ahead

A nation can’t progress by a religion
It is the willed of the people united to progress
Sharing the loads and carrying out the objectives
Bring the nation in the world stage flying with colours

The red flag works collectively with your partners
You aren’t the one directing the show for the audience
You have your other partners galloping for hope of change
This isn’t your show; it must be PH collectively

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