Sunday, November 03, 2019

don't eat dog meat

The dogs are the security guards
They will guard the homes and premises
Against the bad who stealth in at night
With weapons or guns to threatened the owners

The dogs are pets in the homes
The dogs are the guide dogs for the blind people
The dogs can be trained to handle simple jobs
The dogs will stay on life unless they are abandoned

But they are people who use dog meat to trade
They will kill a few thousand dogs a month
There are markets available to taste and eat dog meat
It can be found in China, Vietnam, Africa or Indonesia

The dogs are brutally killed
There is no compassion for the dogs
Once they are brought in cages
The dogs will know that is the end

Though there are NGOs fighting for them
It is still an on-going to stop the dog meat trade
It hasn't been declared as illegal to slaughter dogs
There is no jail term or punishment

One thing the dog meat eaters must know
They are the potential candidates to contract rabies
A certain country 800 die people in a year
Is it worth the price to pay?

Forget about dog meat
It isn't worth the life to get knocked off
Maybe dogs have the vengeance spirit
Kill me for food rabies will kill

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