Sunday, January 26, 2020

fear is a game

Fear is a game
Once we fall for it
We will let the fire spread
Death is a fear

Don't let fear hold
We aren't immortals
We have to go
One way or another

We can't say we will live
To a certain age before we go
We can't predict our future
How we will go in our times

Corona-virus lands in Johore
4 suspected cases reported so far
On line petition to block Chinese tourists
All because of Wuhan virus in Hubei

Though there is circulating
About a Sungai Siput man
He returned from Wuhan area
He is tested negative

The incubation period about 2 weeks
The man must be monitored regularly
Before he can confirm positively free of Corona-virus
Fear is a game; of death a plenty

MOH must step it up
The public must be made aware
Giving us notice regularly
Wuhan virus is deadly

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